Resources in the God of War Series are one of the most common things you encounter from the start and get throughout the nine realms. These resources can either be used to craft items or upgrade items. If you are playing God of War Ragnarok, you have already found lots of resources that you can either use to craft armor or upgrade weapons. This guide will help you know how to get Glowing Embers in God of War Ragnarok.
Glowing Ember Locations in God of War Ragnarok- Where to Get?
Glowing Ember is necessary to upgrade Blades of Chaos in the game. However, it is not early game material. Additionally, players can’t find it randomly from chests. Well, indeed, you find it from chests, but not random chests. There’s a challenging process that players need to go through to get Glowing Embers.
To begin with the process, first, find the seeds to unlock Muspelheim because the only way to get Glowing Ember is to go through Muspelheim Trials. These are challenging fights where players must defeat multiple enemies within a set time without getting damaged. These are called the Crucible Favors, and these are exclusive to the Muspelheim.

God of War Ragnarok has multiple Muspelheim Trials for the players, and completing each of them gives them access to a golden chest containing a considerable amount of Glowing Embers. The chest comes after the last fight in every Crucible Challenge. Generally, each trial has seven challenges to complete, and the Glowing Ember is the reward for the final challenge.
That’s the only way to get Glowing Embers in God of War Ragnarok. You can’t get this resource earlier. You have to play a considerable amount of time and unlock Muspelheim. Though the process is challenging and requires some time, it is worth it because you need Glowing Ember for almost every weapon upgrade, and the more you progress, the more you feel the requirement for powerful weapons.
Read Next: What is Realm Shift in God of War Ragnarok & How to Use the Ability, How to Defeat Frost Phantom in God of War Ragnarok.