In Sengoku Dynasty you can pick up quests while talking to the different villagers. Completing these quests will help you learn more about the game’s dynamics and unlock new skills. While talking to Chiyome, you will unlock the Tranquil Tribute quest. This quest will give you a glimpse of the shrine on the island, and you need to give some offerings to it. You can cook and give some crows eggs as your offering, but getting crows eggs can be difficult to find. In this guide, we will see how to get crow’s eggs in Sengoku Dynasty.
How to Get Crows Eggs in Sengoku Dynasty
You need to make an offering to the Inari Shrine, and for that, you need a crow’s egg. Here we will see how to get crow’s eggs in Sengoku Dynasty.
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After talking to Chiyome, leave Sosogi town on the path that takes you through the cherry trees. As soon as you encounter the cherry trees, check the small rocky cliff on the side. Climb on top of it, and you will spot a crow’s nest. Interact with the next to collect one crow’s egg. Now that you have collected the crow’s eggs, you need to cook them on the campfire. Build a campfire nearby and plop the egg on it to cook it. Once that is done, collect the egg and make your way to the Inari Shrine.
To find the shrine, from Chiyome’s hut, take the road east and keep walking eastwards. You will reach a small stream and some boulders you can climb. Get on top of the boulders while still facing east. You will soon find a wooden fence and the Torii gates that Chiyome was talking about. Enter through the gates then place the cooked egg inside the Inari Shrine to complete the quest.

That’s all there is to know about getting crow’s eggs in Sengoku Dynasty. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.