While trying to retrieve items that you find on your journey through Vardoran, you will find that certain items require an external stimulus to help set them free. Some objects that you try to retrieve, like rocks and ore, will require something much more powerful to dislodge them from their deposits. In this guide, we will see how explosives work and their use in V Rising.
How to Get and Use Explosives in V Rising
You will need something stronger to destroy ore and rock deposits, since having your mining gear won’t cut it. This is where explosives come into the picture. Explosives are strong enough to break down deposits, and can also be used to unblock entrances and toss them at enemies. Here we will see what role explosives play in V Rising and how to get them in the game.
Read More: How to Get Grave Dust in V Rising
How to Unlock Alchemy Table in V Rising

To get explosives, you will have to craft them. You can craft explosives by unlocking the Alchemy Table in your Castle. You will be able to get the Alchemy Table after defeating a V Blood Carrier boss Clive the Firestarter. To craft the Alchemy Table, you will require Blood Essence ×100, Plank ×16, and Sulphur ×12
How to Get Explosive Blueprints
By defeating Clive the Firestarter, you can also unlock the blueprint for the Minor Explosive Box. But to get the Major Explosive Box blueprint, you need to beat Jade the Vampire Hunter (level 62).
Once you have the Alchemy Table, you will also need the required materials to craft an explosive. Depending on what kind of explosive you are trying to craft, you will require different materials. Below are all the materials you will require for the major and minor explosive boxes
Major Explosive Box
- 12x Sulphur
- 8x Reinforced Planks
- 40 Gem Dust
Minor Explosive Box
- 8x Sulphur
- 8x Planks
- 4x Whetstone
That’s all there is to know about explosives and how to get them in V Rising. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.