How to Find Valve Handle (All Maps) and Use Pressure Valve Exit in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

Harsh Clif
3 Min Read

If you are a DBD fan, you will love Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Just like DBD, the game requires you to escape from the killer, killers in this case. You are stuck in the house’s basement and must escape to freedom before the family members can get to you. The game has several exits, such as Rear Exit with the Car Battery, Road Exit and Generator, a Fuse Box exit, and a pressure value exit. Depending on where you are and what you prefer, you can use any of the 4 to exit the Slaughter Family house. This guide will show you how to find the Valve and use the Pressure Valve Exit to level the place and win.

Where to Find Valve Handle in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

To find the Valve, you must escape the basement by unlocking one of the doors. Once in the house, go through the area and look for water pipes. When you locate the pipes, you should be able to see the valve that you can pry remove by interacting with it. I found the Valve in Grandpa’s Room, so that’s the first place you should check, but it can be someplace else, depending on the map. Once you have the Valve, here is how you can use it.

Levels/MapsValve Handle LocationsValve Pump Locations
Family House1. Back Porch
2. Luggage
1. Driveway
2. Back Garden
Slaughter House1. Facility Backdoor
2. Exterior, near Holding Pen
3. Exterior, near Tool Storage
4. Windmill
1. Leatherface Lair
2. Furnace Room
Gas Station1. Compound
2. Backfield
3. Living Room
4. Exterior, near Living Room
5. Compound, near Shop Backroom
6. Backfield, near Barn
7. Backfield, near Valve Exit
1. Exterior, near Rear Bedroom
2. Exterior, near House

Read Next: How to Pick Locks in Texas Chainsaw Massacre

How to Use Pressure Valve Exit in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

Once you have the Valve Handle, locate a large tank outside the house. It looks like a propane tank and is so large it’s hard to miss. Go to the pressure tank and place the Valve Handle. You will now have a small minigame, the one you may have encountered in many other places. Turn the Valve handle until the Valve Opens. When that happens, there will be considerable noise, and the family members will be alerted. They will have a short time to turn off the pressure valve and restrict your exit. Once that time passes, the pressure gates will open and you can exit. Once the gates have opened, the family members cannot close them until 1 minute.

So, this is how to find the Valve handle and use the Pressure Gate to exit the Slaughter Family’s residence. 

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He is caught in a loop between writing about games and playing them. It's a vicious cycle. Although he's biased towards PC, you can occasionally find him on the PS5. He does not own an Xbox Consoles but plans on getting one soon.
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