Survival games are the most popular video game genre of recent times. Players like to face challenges and obstacles in an alien world and survive by their own abilities. V Rising is also a survival game, though players here play the role of a Vampire who has awakened after the Centuries.
Like every other survival game, players need to fight bosses to progress through the game, and Lidia the Chaos Archer is one of the mandatory bosses to fight. This guide will help you know how to find Lidia the Chaos Archer in V Rising.
Location of Lidia the Chaos Archer in V Rising – Where to Find?
Lidia, the Chaos Archer, is a Gear level 26 Boss, and it is pretty challenging to beat her. So, make sure you are searching for her after reaching the right Gear Level. Usually, in V Rising, players have a Blood Altar to track the Blood Bosses. First, complete The Hunt quest to unlock the Blood Altar Blueprint. Then you need to collect 10 Blood Essence and 180 Stones to craft a Blood Altar.
Lidia is generally found roaming on the south side of Forgotten Cemetery and the road of Bandit Logging Camp. To track her, go to the Blood Altar and once you have tracked her through Blood Alter, follow the Blood Trail to reach the location of Lidia.

That’s all you need to know about how to find Lidia the Chaos Archer in V Rising. Remember, fighting with Lidia will not be an easy one. Her AOE attacks and Ranged attacks are deadly. So be prepared for a hard fight before searching for Lidia. However, if you are looking for a guide to get some help locating Lidia, Check out our guide for help.