In Genshin Impact you can cook a variety of dishes that will give you certain boosts if you consume them. One of the newer dishes you can cook up is the Halvamazd, which is also Nahida’s Speciality Dish. The dish will give all party members 282 DEF for 300 seconds and is a three-star rarity dish. In this guide, we will see how to cook the Halvamazd in Genshin Impact 3.2.
How to Cook Halvamazd in Genshin Impact 3.2
The Halvamazd is a special dish that can only be cooked by Nahida. Here we will see how to cook it in Genshin Impact 3.2.
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To cook any dish in Genshin Impact, you need to obtain the recipe and ingredients for it first. To unlock the Halvamazd recipe, you need to get the Candied Ajilenakh Nut recipe from Puspa Cafe. The Cafe is located in Sumeru City, and once you enter the store you should talk to Enteka. This will bring up the menu to purchase various recipes. It is over here you can find the Candied Ajilenakh Nut recipe, and it will cost 5,000 Mora to purchase it.

Once you have the recipe unlocked, you need to get the ingredients. You will need Ajilenakh Nut (x4), Almond (x2), Butter (x2), and Sumeru Rose (x1).
- You can find Ajilenakh Nut if you scavenge around the Sumeru Desert region, especially near the Dune of Magma, south of Dar-Al-Shifa, and around Aaru Village.
- For Almonds, head over to the general goods store in Liyue Harbor called Second Life and purchase them from Dongsheng for 120 Mora.
- You can also purchase Milk for 100 Mora at the Second Life store to process Butter at the cooking station, or you can buy Butter from the Mondstadt Restaurant in Mondstadt for 270 Mora.
- As for Sumeru roses, you can find them growing all over the Sumeru Rainforest area, so it is quite easy to get them.

The only catch for cooking the Halvamazd is that it should be cooked by using Nahida. If you have not pulled her yet, then you should wait to get her before you can create this dish. Once you do, head over to the cooking station with Nahida and cook the Candied Ajilenakh Nut.
The recipe for the Halvamazd is the same as the Candied Ajilenakh Nut, but you will get both meals from the same dish. Sometimes you have a chance of getting the Candied Ajilenakh Nut, while other times you will get lucky and receive the Halvamazd. You will also receive the Halvamazd in the mail if it happens to be Nahida’s birthday.
The boosts that both dishes give are different. As mentioned above, the Halvamazd will give all party members 282 DEF for 300 seconds, whereas the Candied Ajilenakh Nut will give all party members 165/200/235 DEF for 300 seconds.
That’s all there is to know about cooking the Halvamazd in Genshin Impact 3.2. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.