Harry Potter: Magic Awakened is the newest card game that takes place at Hogwarts. You can collect cards of your favorite characters and duel with other players. To come on top of the leaderboard, you need to collect the best spell, companion, residence, and other cards to help you out. But not all cards are worth the effort to get, and some cards are better than others. If you wish to know which are the best cards in Harry Potter Magic Awakened, then you have come to the right place. In this guide, we will rank all the best Harry Potter Magic Awakened cards from best to worst.
Harry Potter Magic Awakened Tier List – Best Cards Ranked

Here we have ranked all the cards in Harry Potter Magic Awakened from S Tier to C Tier. S Tier spell cards are the best in the game, while C Tier spell cards are average. All other cards in between are okay for early games, but it is best to upgrade them to a better card later on. Below are all the cards ranked and segregated in Harry Potter Magic Awakened.
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Best Harry Potter Magic Awakened Companion Cards Tier List
Partner cards or companion cards will help you earn added boosts. Having the right partner cards will help you defeat other players easily by enhancing the spells and providing specialist skills.
S Tier Companion Cards
- Harry Potter
- Ron Weasley
- Hermoine Granger
- Draco Malfoy
A Tier Companion Cards
- Ginny Weasley
- Luna Lovegood
- Dean Thomas
- Cedric Diggory
- Neville Longbottom
B Tier Companion Cards
- Parvati Patil
- Padma Patil
- Seamus Finnigan
C Tier Companion Cards
- Lavender Brown
- Hannah Abbott
Best Harry Potter Magic Awakened Spell Cards Tier List
The best spell cards will help you defeat enemy players, and there are some powerful spell cards you can get. Spell cards also include resident cards like magic herbs, creatures, and other magical objects. Couple these with regular spells to make a powerful combo
S Tier Spell Cards
- Avada Kedavra
- Crucio
- Confringo
- Phoenix
- Protego Totalum
- Sectumsempra
- Stupefy
- Thunderstorm
A Tier Spell Cards
- Acromantula Venom
- Aguamentia
- Antipodean Opaleye
- Atmospheric Charm
- Centaur
- Episkey
- Expulso
- Fiendfyre
- Glacius
- Golden Snitch
- Incendio
- Lightning Storm
- Orb of Water
- Protego Totalum
- Tebo Assault
- Weasley’s Wildfire Whizbangs
B Tier Spell Cards
- Aguamenti
- Baby Antipodean Opaleye
- Bewitched Snowballs
- Fiendfyre
- Fire Crab
- Glacius Maxima
- Incarcerous
- Inflatus
- Nebulus
- Oppugno
- Piertotum Locomotor
- Piertotum Locomotor
- Prior Incantato
C Tier Spell Cards
- Alohomora
- Bludger
- Centaur
- Cornish Pixies
- Essence of Dittany
- Expelliarmus
- Fwooper
- Golden Snitch
- Howler
- Incarcerous
- Lumos Maxima
- Niffler
- Nimbus 2000
- Portkey
- Spiders
- Swelling Solution
- Transfiguration Curse
- Winged Catapult
- Wingardium Leviosa
Best Harry Potter Magic Awakened Reverberation Cards
Reverberation cards provide much-needed stat boosts to your existing cards. These are divided into the classes you can pick at Hogwarts. Some classes are better than others and provide powerful boosts
S Tier Reverberation Cards
- Dark Arts
- Defense Against the Dark Arts
- Transfiguration
A Tier Reverberation Cards
- Charms and Potions
- Care of Magical Creatures
B Tier Reverberation Cards
- Herbology and Divination.
That’s all there is to know about the best cards in Harry Potter Magic Awakened. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.