While exploring Gotham City you will run into various enemies. You can use your learned skill sets to take them down, but some of the moves require precise timing. You can perform Perfect Attacks to give you an edge during battle, as this will supply increased damage and also help with knockback. Certain challenges require you to perform the Perfect Attack move, and in this guide, we will see how to do that in Gotham Knights.
Gotham Knights: How To Perform A Perfect Attack
You can learn various techniques using the training dummy in the Belfry, and one of the moves you can practice is the Perfect Attack. Here we will see how to do this move in Gotham Knights.
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To perform a Perfect Attack, you need to first perform a Perfect Evade. To evade, when the enemy gets close to you, click on the dodge button on your controller or keyboard. But you need to time it right first. There will be an indicator on the enemy’s fist that will flash white when they try to take a swing at you. Press the dodge button when you see that.

Immediately after you dodge, press the attack button to perform a Perfect Attack. This move only works if the enemy’s fist or weapon flashes white, indicating a standard attack. If it is red, then they will perform an armored attack, and those can be countered by using a Piercing Ability.

Following a Perfect Attack, you can also perform other moves like grabs or kicks to send them flying. There are an infinite amount of moves that you can perform once you master the Perfect Attack.
That’s all there is to know about performing perfect attacks in Gotham Knights. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.