The limited-time Secret Summer Paradise event offers plenty of quests to complete for rewards. During Act 1 of Secret Summer Paradise: Invitation from Afar, you must complete the Glaze Domain, Multum in Parvo event quest. During the quest, you will receive an objective to head towards the first component’s location. If you are wondering how to follow the trail, keep reading. In this guide we will see how to accomplish the objective Keep Heading Towards the First Component’s Location in Genshin Impact.
Genshin Impact 3.8 – Keep Heading Towards the First Component’s Location Guide
After talking to the NPCs in the location and traveling to the first component’s location, you have to proceed further. Here we will see how to complete this objective in Genshin Impact 3.8
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You can find the first component when you head south from the Silver Bottle Courtyard waypoint. Walk southeast and use the stairs to climb the hill. Along the way, you will spot a grappling point where you can climb up. When you land on the platform, you will find the first component. Keep walking up the stairs while looking up. You will see another grappling point. Get up, then turn right and run back around to get to the next objective

If you took a U-Turn from your last grapple point, you would find another grapple point connected to the cliff ahead. To get there, you need to run up the extended branch first, then climb through it. As you ascend the cliff, you must take the stairs and use the grappling points. You can also unlock the Silver Bottle Courtyard’s eastern waypoint. You have to keep climbing upwards to reach the cliff top. You can also get a Luxurious Chest here. Step onto the rock formation ahead and jump down. There is an opening you can land on. Step onto the platform to complete the objective.
That’s all there is to know about the first component’s location in Genshin Impact 3.8. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.