Genshin Impact 3.6: How to Complete the Investigate the Fatui Camp World Quest

QM Staff
3 Min Read

There are many things added to Genshin Impact with its new version 3.6 Update. There is a new area to explore, new domains to clear, new enemies (World bosses, normal enemies), many new quests and even new achievements. One of the new world quests is called Investigate the Fatui Camp which players can start by progressing in the Monumental Study quest. This guide will show you how to complete the Investigate the Fatui Camp quest in Genshin Impact 3.6.

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How to Complete the Investigate the Fatui Camp Quest?

In order to start the quest, players need to make progress in the other quest called Monumental Study and after that talk to Sosi. After talking to the Sosi, players will unlock the quest automatically. After unlocking the quest, players need to follow these steps to complete the quest: 

  1. Players need to go to the quest marker and defeat the Fatui in the camp
  2. After defeating the Fatui, players will need to find the Notes located on the wooden crates. 
  3. After finding it, press “F” to investigate the document. 
  4. After that, players need to go to another location which is also a Fatui camp. 
  5. Defeat the Fatui again and then look for the sack bags near the camp 
  6. Then press “F” to investigate the bag 
  7. This will progress the story and for the next process, players need to change their time to 10:00 Am to continue 
  8. After changing or waiting for the time to become 10:00 am, players will see the next mark of the quest. 
  9. Go to the mentioned location, after reaching there players need to follow the footprints on the sand
  10. The footprint will lead you to another Fatui 
  11. This time players need to talk to the Fatui officer called Markozov 
  12. After finishing talking, players will need to defeat the enemies

This will complete the world quest called Investigate the Fatui Camp and players will get the rewards. That’s all you need to know about how to start and complete the Investigate the Fatui Camp world quest in Genshin Impact 3.6. If you find this guide helpful, you can check our website for more such guides and news on Genshin Impact and various other games. 

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