Leveling up your Vampire is not the same in V Rising as most RPGs. To tackle all the tougher enemies in the overworld, you need to increase your Gear Score. This mechanic mainly focuses on how tough your equipment is rather than your character’s strength. In this guide, we will take an in-depth look at Gear Score, what it is and how it works, as well as the max gear score level you can achieve in V Rising.
Gear Score in V Rising – What it does and Max Level
If you wish to level up in V Rising, you should take a look at your gear score to see how strong you have gotten. Here we will see what gear score does in V Rising.
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What is Gear Score in V Rising

Unlike other RPGs where you have to level up with XP, in V Rising you will need to accumulate Gear Score to find out if you are worthy enough to take down bosses and other enemies. Your gear score is determined by all your equipped gear, and you can check your score in your inventory. You can also check the number shown beside your health bar while in-game to see how well you score. You can change your score by finding new, higher-powered items, or unequipping the ones you have.
How to Check Gear Score
Gear Score determines how worthy you are while trying to fight other NPC enemies. The higher the score, the better you will be at taking them down. You can check your enemy’s level and compare it with yours to see if you would win or lose the fight. However, while fighting other players, you don’t require the Gear Score, and you can fight them any way you like.
To find out if you can outwit NPC enemies, you will have to keep an eye on the color of their health bar, as well as their level. If it is red, means that the fight will be challenging, and if you notice no color but just a skull, it means that your Gear Score is no match for their power.
Highest Gear Score in V Rising

Currently you can attain up to level 90 and beyond. With the new Dracula’s Regalia armor set, you can attain the highest possible gear score when you reach late to end game.
That’s all there is to know about the Gear Score and what it does in V Rising. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.