Dave the Diver is filled with secrets from the deep ocean, and you can uncover them while picking up quests. While completing these quests, you have to find various items, and one of the items you need to find is Agar. Agar is a type of sea algae found on the ocean floor, and can be harvested like kelp. In this guide we will see how to get Agar in Dave the Diver.
Dave the Diver – How to Get Agar
You will need Agar for the Red Ecological Data side quest. Here we will see how to get Agar in Dave the Diver.
Read More: How to Get Sea Grapes in Dave the Diver
The Red Ecological Data side quest is the first side quest you will receive in the game. Just after completing the prologue and learning the ropes of the game, you will unlock your smartphone. You can access the smartphone to learn about pending quests and other items. Around this time you will get a call from an NPC called Ellie. She will ask you to find 2 Agar, and 2 Red Starfish.

Luckily, Agar is not too difficult to locate, as they are closer to the surface. Travel between 0-50 m and check underwater boulders to find reddish plants. If you want a more specific location, at 30 meters you will find an escape pod. You can find two Agar floating around underneath the escape pod location. It’s the same as harvesting kelp: you just go near it and interact with it using any weapon. It will also help if you have this side quest active, as a radar will appear on top to direct you to the items.
That’s all there is to know about getting Agar in Dave the Diver. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.