You can explore the ocean depths and run your sushi restaurant in Dave the Diver. As Dave, you have certain obligations to your friends and clients, and completing their quests will make you more valuable. One of the quests you can pick up for Dr. Bacon is the Going Deeper quest, where you have to find the proof of Sea People in the depths of the ocean. In this guide we will see how to complete the Going Deeper quest in Dave the Diver.
Dave the Diver – Going Deeper Quest Guide
The Going Deeper quest can be started after talking to Dr. Bacon in Chapter 2. Here we will see how to complete the Going Deeper quest in Dave the Diver.
Read More: How to Get Iron Ore in Dave the Diver

You will receive the quest objective to Continue Following the Signal. On top of the screen you will find a green radar that points in a certain direction. Make your way to the depths until Blue Hole Depths. For this, keep swimming past the 130 m mark. After that, keep to your right until you cross 160 m. It is easier if you have an eye on the radar at all times, as this will lead you in the right direction.
How to Get Amethyst and Pickaxe in Dave the Diver

Ultimately, you will find a chest containing the Pickaxe at 163 m. You will spot the yellow chest when you turn right of the escape pod. The pickaxe in Dave the Diver is valuable equipment, and you will need it for mining minerals on the ocean bed. Right next to the chest is an Amethyst rock, where you can use the pickaxe to mine it. Pick up some Amethyst in Dave the Diver for another quest’s objective.
Sea People Location in Dave the Diver Going Deeper

Once that is done, go up and turn left past the escape pod. Follow down the narrow passage on your left to find a tunnel filled with Tubeworms. If you have picked up the UV Light from earlier chests, you can use it on the Tubeworms to clear the tunnel. At the end of the tunnel are two Sea People, but you cannot understand their language.
Talk to Dr. Bacon to complete the Going Deeper quest in Dave the Diver. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.