While on your adventure through the realms of Baldur’s Gate 3, you will encounter many NPCs. Some of them would like a small favor from you, and if you help them, you can get a small reward. One of the NPCs you will meet is the Trapped Man in Waukeen’s Rest. After freeing him, he will tell you about a secret dowry hidden away by his dead lover, and it is up to you to retrieve it. In this guide, we will see where to find the dowry in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Baldur’s Gate 3 – Where To Find The Dowry
You have to help Benryn find Mirileth’s dowry, but the only problem is that Mirileth is dead. Here we will see where to find the dowry in Bladur’s Gate 3.
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Before you begin your search, it is best to pick up the Amulet of Lost Voices item. If you don’t have it, then go back to the crypt where you found Withers and visit the area where the sarcophagus was. You will find the amulet somewhere beside it. If you are way beyond that point in the game, if you have the Speak to the Dead skill, then that will work too. After that, rescue Benryn and break down one of the two doors behind him. This will lead you to Mirileth’s body. Use the amulet or the spell to speak to her and ask her about the dowry. It is located in a barn, hidden underneath the haystack.

Make your way to the lower floor and exit the building. You will encounter three barns outside. Make a beeline for the barn on the right side, as this is the only barn with a haystack. Pass the perception check to unveil a chest with the secret dowry inside. You can then either hand over the ring to Benryn or keep it to sell it later.
That’s all there is to know about finding the dowry in Baldur’s Gate 3. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.