Harsh Clif

He is caught in a loop between writing about games and playing them. It's a vicious cycle. Although he's biased towards PC, you can occasionally find him on the PS5. He does not own an Xbox Consoles but plans on getting one soon.
658 Articles

Valheim – How to Find Troll Caves and Burial Chambers | Dungeons Guide

Dungeons such as Troll Caves and Burial Chambers are a great place…

Harsh Clif Harsh Clif

Valheim – What is the Best Bronze Weapon

Bronze is an important metal in Valheim that can be used to…

Harsh Clif Harsh Clif

How to Unlock New Weapons in Crab Champions

Crab Champions is an incredible game available at less than dollar ten…

Harsh Clif Harsh Clif

Best V Rising Magic Ability Tier List for PvP and PvE

Magic abilities play an important role in V Rising, sometimes even more…

Harsh Clif Harsh Clif

Fix Resident Evil 4 Remake Crashing on Startup After Logo, Not Starting or Launching Issues

Resident Evil 4 Remake, a remake of Capcom’s timeless classic, is out…

Harsh Clif Harsh Clif