All Fish Locations in Fae Farm and How to Catch

Harsh Clif
5 Min Read

Fishing in Fae Farm is simple. Besides the variation in tools, catching all the fishes in the game are the same. To catch a fish in Fae Farm, you must hold the left mouse to drop the blob near the fish. You then need to jiggle the line so the fish is attracted to it. Once the fish is on the line, you need to real in when the fish is facing your direction and reel and leave when the fish is pulling away. If you see the line/fish glow red, you must loosen the line or the line will break. After a few tries, fishing in Fae Farm is quite easy. But, finding the fish you require can be challenging. So, in this guide we will show you where to find which fish.

All Fish Locations in Fae Farm

The initial fishing rod you get in the game will allow you to catch only a certain types of fish, so you need to upgrade your fishing rod if you desire to catch the rare variety of fishes in the game. Here is where you can find the different fish types on Fae Farm.

Fae Farm River Cod Location

The River Cod can be caught by the basic fishing rod you first acquire in the game. And you can catch the fish from the bridge near your house. Besides that location, you need to look for Rivers or Lakes to catch the River Cod.

Fae Farm Rainbow Trout Location

Just like the River Cod, the Rainbow Trout can also be counght in Lakes and Rivers. Follow the river near your house and you should be able to nab a few of these. Again, the Rinbow Trout can be caught using the basic Fishing Rod.

Fae Farm Black Carp Location

The River Carp can also be caught using the basic fishing rod and you need to look into lakes and rivers to find this fish. But, unlike the above two fishes, the Black Carp can only be found in the Summer.

Fae Farm Herring Locations

The Herring is another fish you can only catch in the summer in lakes and rivers. You can catch this fish using the basic fishing rod you fist acquire in the game. Herrings are a bit difficult to find in river, so you should try to find them in lakes.

Fae Farm Redside Dace Location

Redside Dace is a fish you can only catch in the Autumn, so be mindful of the seasons. You can catch the fish using the basic fishing rod and you need to look into rivers and lakes to find them.

Fae Farm Blue Catfish

Like the Redside Dace, you can only catch the Blue Catfish in Autumn in lakes and rivers. You can catch it using the basic fishing rod.

Fishes You Can Catch in Sea

Besides the rivers and lakes in the game, there are fishes you can only find in the sea. Some of them are easily available such as Sardines.

Sardine – Caught using the basic rod in any season in the sea.

Turbot – You can only catch this fish in the summer and can use the basic tool.

Rockfish – Also found in the summer in sea and can use the basic fishing rod.

Sablefish – To catch the Sablefish, you need to search for them in the Autumn. You can use the basic tool to catch the fish.

Salmon – You should be able to get this fish in the sea when you first get the fishing rod. You can catch Salmon in any season.

Fishes in Fae Realm Waters

The Fae Realm waters have a lot of really rare fishes that require the Sturdy Tool to catch. So, before you go to catch these fishes, make sure to visit Eddy and get the Strudy Rod. To upgrade the rod, you need 1,000 Gold Florins, be at Fishing Level 3 or higher and have the Basic Rod. Here are the fishes in the Fae Realm.

  • Wigglevine Eel
  • Smallmouth Bass
  • Painted Globefish
  • Azurefish
  • Tiny Tealfish
  • Glimmergil
  • Goldentail

These are all the fishes we know of so far. We will update the post when we know about more fishes in the game.

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He is caught in a loop between writing about games and playing them. It's a vicious cycle. Although he's biased towards PC, you can occasionally find him on the PS5. He does not own an Xbox Consoles but plans on getting one soon.
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