As you make your way through the lands in A Plague Tale: Requiem, you will encounter various NPCs who can be hostile or are willing to help you out. But as you keep progressing, you will encounter more enemies than friends, and as you escape from the Count’s soldiers in Chapter 8: A Sea of Promises, you will be attacked by a Falconeer and his falcon. In this guide, we will see how to escape from the Falconeer in A Plague Tale: Requiem.
A Plague Tale Requiem – How to Escape the Falconeer
As you try to escape from the Count’s guards, you will encounter the Falconeer who is trying to attack you using his falcon. Here we will see how to escape from the Falconeer in A Plague Tale: Requiem.
Read More: How to Defeat Soldiers Wearing Helmets in A Plague Tale
While escaping with Hugo, you will need to jump down from the rafters and run to the other side where the exit is, but as you jump down you will knock over some clay pots, which alerts one of the soldiers about your location. After bringing Hugo down as well, Amicia will take cover behind the table ahead. A falcon will swoop in where you are and try to attack, but it cannot land down on you if you keep crouching. You need to take cover behind all the stone fences, crates, and other objects that are ahead of you and make your way over to the exit on the left side across the arena.

One way you can distract the falcon is by tossing rocks at the steel armor and equipment placed around the area. You can find them on the left and right sides of the area. Tossing rocks at them will create a sound that will act as a distraction. The falcon will swoop down on the noise, giving you a split second to run to the next cover.

The falcon cannot keep an eye on two things at once, so as soon as you toss the rock and see the falcon head toward the direction of the sound, you should make a run for it. It is best to not use the sling, as you would have to stand up to use it, making you easy prey.

Another way to distract the bird is to use the Ignifer pot and toss it into the bonfire pit in the middle of the area. To do this, first get close enough to the fire pit, then toss a rock at the nearby equipment. When the bird swoops over there, toss the Ignifer pot into the pit.

Now repeat the process and use a tar pot to create a blinding light. This will also help distract the falcon temporarily, giving you some time to run away, but is a tougher method than tossing rocks at the steel equipment. Keep making your way to the left side till you find the stairs leading up to the exit.

That’s all there is to know about escaping the falconer in A Plague Tale: Requiem. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.