Modern Warfare 2 TTK (Time to Kill) to Too Fast – The Reason You are Dying Early

Harsh Clif
2 Min Read

Time to Kill or TTK is a highly debatable topic as it can vary from one player to another. With the launch of every new COD title, there is always a debate if the TTK is too fast. As the TTK of one game varies slightly from the other, the difference in experience leads to the question. So, if the Modern Warfare TTK or time to kill too fast. We have started a poll on Twitter to see what the community feels. You can check the result and cast your vote.

Is the Modern Warfare 2 TTK too fast?

When Vanguard first came out in early access beta, its TTK was arguably higher than any other COD games, but we think the TTK of Modern Warfare 2 is similar to the previous MW title from 2019. Also, a bunch of things can affect the TTK, such as the firepower of the weapon you are using. Certain weapons provide faster kills due to the bullet velocity; if you are on the receiving end, you may feel the TTK is too fast.

Going by reports on Twitter and our poll, more players feel that the TTK is too fast than people who think it is perfect. Infinity Ward is still working on the game, and the TTK in the final launch may vary from what we are experiencing now. You should also note that as you play the game more, you may find the current TTK more acceptable.

Update: 27 Oct

With the final release of the game just a day away, it would be interesting to see how Infinity Ward has adjusted the TTK or if will it be the same as the beta. Let us know in the comments what you expect.

That’s all we have in this guide; if you are on PS5 and stuck at 60 FPS or going through connection errors, refer to our linked guides.

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He is caught in a loop between writing about games and playing them. It's a vicious cycle. Although he's biased towards PC, you can occasionally find him on the PS5. He does not own an Xbox Consoles but plans on getting one soon.
  • He’s not joking, hence the article. TTK is still too fast. It’s at HC levels.
    I’ve played every COD MP over the years and yes, the TTK on this edition is ridiculous.
    Every good COD MP game gives you the chance to react, if you do so quick enough, when being shot; But not this game.

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