Once Human: How to get a Gatling Cannon

Kirthana K
2 Min Read

There are tons of weapons to pick as you keep playing Once Human. Most of them have to be crafted after unlocking them from the Memetics skill tree. To increase your base’s defense, you can now craft the Gatling Cannon. But this defensive weapon doesn’t come cheap, as you need to go through a string of skills to unlock it. In this guide we’ll see how to get the Gatling Cannon in Once Human

Once Human: How to get a Gatling Cannon

The Gatling Cannon is a new defense system added to the Tame the Staroid phase of the season. Here we will see how to get the Gatling Cannon in Once Human

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To unlock the Gatling Cannon blueprint, you have to head over to the Memetics menu and head over to the Building tab. Under there, scroll down to reach Tier 4 and unlock the Close Defense Turret 1 schematic. There is a Close Defense Turret 2 schematic that you can also unlock, which falls under Tier 5. Also, head over to the Memetics Specialization on the top left corner and unlock the Gatling Cannon: Power Blast upgrade. 

With that, you can increase the damage output by 30% when using the Gatling Cannon. After unlocking the schematics, you need to gather the necessary materials to craft and place it on your base. The Gatling Cannon only works if someone is manning it. So if you are not at your base, the cannon won’t work. But while defending your base, this weapon can be a powerful force to recon with

That’s all there is to know about getting Gatling Cannon in Once Human. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well

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She holds two degrees in media. She can draw, sketch, and is somewhat good at graphics and animation. She can also write, and, the best part, make instant noodles at 1 minute 59 seconds. Currently, she’s exploring the world of Teyvat. Other times she likes to read books, watch anime, and take long walks to the fridge and back.
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