Will Payday 3 Be on Xbox One

Harsh Clif
2 Min Read

After over a decade of gap in the Payday series, we finally have the new game with modern graphics and mechanics. Payday 3 is an FPS that puts, you thieves in various heist scenarios and you need to complete a series of tasks to secure the money and complete the heist. Since the launch of Xbox Series X|S more and more games are not launching for Xbox One. So, you must wonder will Payday 3 be on Xbox One. We have all the answers you need right here.

Will Payday 3 Be on Xbox One

Unfortunately, Payday 3 is another game in a series of new games that have chosen to leverage the incredible power of next-gen consoles to deliver high-performance graphics and gameplay. Meaning, players on Xbox One and PS4 will not be able to play Payday 3.

While this news is a certain disappointment for players who still own the Xbox One, the key thing to note here is that the processing power of the Xbox One limits the extent developers can deliver quality games. But, there is still hope, a lot of games have released backward compatibility after the next-gen launch. So, the best thing we can do at the moment is remain hopeful that Payday 3 will launch on Xbox One.

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He is caught in a loop between writing about games and playing them. It's a vicious cycle. Although he's biased towards PC, you can occasionally find him on the PS5. He does not own an Xbox Consoles but plans on getting one soon.
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