Whip (Unique SVU-MK S-3) Weapon Location – Stalker 2

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The Whip is a very rare and powerful sniper rifle in Stalker 2. It is located within the Red Forest region inside the Mirage. This super-sniper is the weapon wielded by the elite snipers of Monolith and combines the precision of the sniper rifle with the firepower of a high rate of fire, making it an instrument of deadly accuracy and high-rate firing. For its ammo, look for the high-capacity magazine at the Prypiat shopping mall.

Whip (Unique SVU-MK S-3) Weapon – Stalker 2

DescriptionThis rifle has replaced the Lynx in the hands of the finest Monolith sniper. It’s rare to find a rifle that excels in both rate of fire and accuracy, but this one defies the norm.
Weight4.66 Kg
TypeSniper Rifle 
Selling Price41166 Coupons
Base WeaponSVU-MK S-3
Distance Damage Modifier1
Dispersion Radius357
Durability Per Shot10
Caliber 7.62 x 54
Inventory Size6 x 2
Rate of Fire4.9
Range 3.4

Whip uses the 7.62x54mm LPS

DescriptionA standard 7.62x54mm R caliber rifle cartridge. The original variant of this cartridge was introduced almost a century and a half ago, yet the form factor itself has proven highly successful and remains in use to this day.
Weight1.44 kg
Cost106 Coupons

Whip (Unique SVU-MK S-3) Weapon Location

Go to the location provided on the map above. To get the Whip you need to go to the Red Forest region and to the Mirage. Go inside the house and go to the room on the right side. You will get the Whip on the table near the window. You can get the Whip while doing the Act of Mercy mission  

High-Capacity SVU-MK S-3 Magazine

To enhance your Whip you can use the high capacity magazine. To get the high capacity magazine, head to the Prypiat region and locate the shopping mall on the map. Outside the mall, look to your left to find the parking lot. Enter the parking lot, and you’ll notice a series of rooms on both sides. Go into the second room on the right. Inside, you’ll find a staircase, climb it to the next level. Once you’re upstairs, turn right and continue until you reach the roof of the building. On the roof, head to the left and look for the first room there. Enter this room through a broken section, and behind a damaged table, you’ll find the SVU-MK S-3 magazine.

DescriptionAn expanded magazine with a higher round capacity, purpose-built for the “SVU-MK S-3” iconSVU-MK S-3 automatic sniper rifle to complement its impressive rate of fire.
Weight0.30 kg
Max Ammo20
Twin MagazineNo
Cost10000 k
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