Where to Find Feathers and Eggs in LOTR Return to Moria

QM Staff
2 Min Read

Players will be crafting many items and weapons, these items will require players to collect many different materials. Feathers and Eggs will be a few of those materials players will lack at the start of their crafting process as they are required for most recipes. These materials can be found in various but specific locations so finding them can be difficult. This guide will show you Where to Find Feathers and Eggs in LOTR Return to Moria. 

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Where to Find Feathers and Eggs in Return to Moria

To find the Feathers and Eggs in the game for crafting items like Arrows, food, etc, players need to follow these steps: 

  1. Players first need to make their way to the area called Lower Deeps 
  2. This area has many resources to farm like various ores and other materials
  3. To find the Eggs, players will be looking for Bird nests
  4. These bird nests are repetitive ways to get eggs as they will respawn after sometime 
  5. These birds’ nests not only contain Eggs but also the Feathers dropped by the birds as well. 
  6. To find these bird nests, players need to go to the elevated areas and caves 
  7. The most common place for these bird nests will be the cliff and cave ceilings 

That’s all you need to know about Where to Find Feathers and Eggs in LOTR Return to Moria. If you find this guide helpful, you can check our website for more such guides and news on The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria and various other games.

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