Finding several collectibles is nothing new in action-adventure games. These games feature several different items and equipment to find, and all these are required for some reason or other. Tchia is no exception, and players will find various collectibles as offerings in the game. Chicken Eggs are one of them. This guide will help you know how to get Chicken Eggs in Tchia.
Chicken Eggs Location in Tchia- Where to Find?
Action-adventure game fans won’t be surprised to see the objective of collecting a Chicken Egg, as these games have numerous things to collect. Players get something new at almost every step. So, in Tchia, collecting a Chicken Egg objective is nothing new to them.
Chicken Eggs are one of the common collectibles players can find in Tchia. During Chapter 4, players need to find several items to offer to Ga Ngazo, and Chicken Egg is one of them. Though it is the simplest thing to find, players may get confused about how to get it.
The first thing you need to do to get Chicken Egg is to find Chicken. Chickens are not a rare spawn in the game; instead, they spawn randomly at various locations. Players can find Chickens in villages, farms, and rural areas. They don’t have a fixed spawn location. So, look for them randomly, and you’ll find one. If you have been looking for Chicken for a long time and are still unable to find them, check the below map-

The marked area is Weilwele. It is a village on the west coast of Ija Noj. You will find a Chicken farm there. Upon arriving at this location, you’ll find the Chicken roaming inside the barrier. Go inside it and use your Soul-Jump power to possess a chicken. Press the L1 button to possess the Chicken.

Once you become a chicken, press R2 on your controller to lay an egg. Press L1 to get back to your normal form and pick up the Egg. Stow the Egg by pressing R1, and your objective will be completed. Alternatively, you can pick up a chicken and shake it to make it lay an egg. Then simply, pick it up and stow it.
That’s all you need to know about how to get Chicken Egg in Tchia.
Read Next: How to Balance Rocks in Tchia, How to Set the time to Midnight using the Soul-Melody in Tchia.