For players who were confused over the size of Warzone 2 on Battle.Net and that Warzone 2 was only 24B on Steam, have your answer. If you go over to any of the launchers, you should now have the option to download a massive update. On the Steam client, the update size is 32 GB after having Modern Warfare 2 installed. The size of the update may vary.

Steam users confused with the Warzone 2.0 pre-load showing up as 24B should be relieved as you now have the option to update the game and preload Warzone 2.

If you cannot see the update on either of the clients, go ahead and reboot the Battler.Net or Steam. If that still does not work, reboot the system, and you should be able to see the update. If the game is still not downloading, check this guide.