Temple Eta is the first of many temples in the game that will grant you powers. Into the Unknown is the quest that you need to complete in order to get the powers. While most of the quest is easy and straightforward, many players have struggled with the Temple Eta Starfield location. If you are also clueless about the location or are simply unable to find the temple, here is what you need to do.
How to Go To Temple Eta in Starfield
Before, diving into the Starfield Temple Eta location, you should know that the exact location of the temple is not the same for all players. In fact, every time, you visit the planet or reload the save, the location may change. So, how do you find the location of the temple? Let’s go over the entire mission in brief and then come to the location. Here are the steps you need to follow to complete the mission.
- The first task is to find the two artifacts and Andreja. All objectives will be clearly marked on the map. So, it should not cause any issues.
- Once, you have all the artifacts, you need to return to the Lodge in New Atlantis and go over the cutscene.
- After interacting with Vladimir, you will get the coordinates to Procyon III, where you need to investigate an anomaly.
- Once you are on the planet, you need to find the source of the anomaly, which is the Eta Temple.
Temple Eta Starfield Location
The easiest way to find the Eta Temple in Starfield is to follow the distortions on the scanner. Bring out your scanner using the F button on PC and LB on Xbox. The scanner appears as a perfect circle unless there is a gravitational anomaly nearby. Simply follow the direction where the scanner distortion is the highest and you will find either a location affected by Gravitational Anomaly or the Temple Itself.

If you find one of the sites affected by the gravitational anomaly, keep following the scanner as the temple is usually nearby.
How to the Solve Temple Eta Puzzle
Solving the temple eta puzzle is quite simple, all you need to do is go through the clusters of light that appear and above and around the circulating orbs. After you go through the clusters a certain number of times, the puzzle will be solved. The number of times you need to go through the cluster of orbs varies. In some temples, I had to go through them as many as 15 times.
Here is a video of me solving the puzzle and posted on YouTube.