Once you have unlocked Unmoored World, you can obtain some rare gear and items for your Vocations to use. There are several armor pieces hidden away in various new chests that will appear in Unmoored World. For the Trickster and Warfarer Vocations, you will need the Summoner’s Crown head armor for added defense and elemental resistance. In this guide we will see how to get Summoner’s Crown in Dragon’s Dogma 2
Summoner’s Crown Location Dragon’s Dogma 2
The Summoner’s Crown headgear is hidden away in a secret location. Here we will see how to get this armor piece in Dragon’s Dogma 2
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The only way you can get the Summoner’s Crown is to unlock a chest while visiting Vernworth. Once you are in Vernworth, make your way to the southwestern end of the settlement. You will find the Vernworth Southern Ruins here, and you need to get up the stairs till you reach the edge of the circular arena. There might be a few monsters here and there, so take them down till you reach the above marked area. The treasure chest is in plain sight, so you cannot miss it. Unlock it to get the Summoner’s Crown.
Below are the stats for the Summoner’s Crown in Dragon’s Dogma 2
- Defense – 80
- Magick Defense – 120
- Weight – 2.21
- Slash Res – 4
- Strike Res – 4
- Knockdown Res – 18
- Elemental Res – Lightning +8%
- Debilitation Res – Blighted+2%, Sleep +2%, Silence +2%
That’s all there is to know about the Summoner’s Crown in Dragon’s Dogma 2. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well