Solve the Chained Box Puzzle Silent Hill 2

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The Chained Box is a puzzle you’ll encounter in the Otherworld version of Brookhaven Hospital in Silent Hill 2 Remake. It’s part of the story. This guide will show you how to solve this puzzle on different difficulty levels, unlock it, and see what you get for solving it. This puzzle is quite important as after solving it you will be able to uncover the secrets of the Brookhaven hospital in the Otherworld version. 

How to find the Chained Box

Okay, so you’re going up to the second floor. When you get there, you’ll see a big, locked box. It’s really secure, so whatever’s inside must be important. This is the main goal of the place you’re in, Otherworld Brookhaven. Before you start exploring, save your game at the red spot on the wall in the back of the room. To open the box you need three items.

How to Get the Combination Lock

This puzzle is only on the second floor, so you can finish it quickly. You need to get to room M2, which is in the bottom left corner of the floor. But it’s not easy to get there. Let’s start and see what we need to do.

Okay, let’s go to M1 first. It’s right above M2. Start by going south towards the Director’s Office. You’ll need 

to go through the Restroom twice until you reach L1 and then go to M2.

Go south from M1 to M3. Break the wall to go back to M1. In M1, there’s more handgun ammo and a diary that says…

“1 year they’ve been watching me

So many pills they fed me

When a loud hours comes

I tremble every time the light falls”

This is a hint for the code to unlock the Combination Lock. The first number is 1. You can find the second number by looking at the pills in the sink. There are 6 pills, so the second number is 6. The third number is the time on the clock, which is 2. The last number is related to the light. It flickers twice when it dims, so the last number is 2. Your code is 1622. Now you can go back to the lock and unlock it.

How to Unlock the Keypad

Go to the Observation Room. In the Observation Room, you’ll find the Patient’s Note, the ‘No One Knows’ Strange Photo, and the key to the Director’s Office. Now keep going south until you reach the Director’s Office.

Open the door to the Director’s Office. You’ll see it’s different. You can find some shotgun shells and a health drink in a cabinet, and there’s a tape recorder you can listen to. After listening, climb the ladder near the desk to go to the third floor.

You’ll see an electrified stretcher on the third floor. You need to turn the power back on. This part is pretty straightforward, without any puzzles. Just go north to the room with the Restroom and turn on the generator. Go back to the stretcher and turn it on. You’ll see a code: 9659. Go back to the keypad and enter this code to unlock it.

How to Get the Lapis Eye Key

Now that the chains are gone, you need to find the key for the box. Go back to the third floor, but this time use the new staircase in the northwest corner of the second floor. 

Go to Exam Room 4. There’s a mannequin there covering its face. You’ll find a tool called the Instrument of Force. Use it to remove the mannequin’s first arm. 

Then, go to room D3 and take the ladder down to the first floor. In the Restrooms, you can find the Key of Bliss. You’ll need this key for the Mannequin on the third floor. Go back to the mannequin. Move its arm away and use the Key of Bliss to pierce its eye. You’ll get the Lapis Eye Key. Go back to the Chained Box and open it. You’ll find nothing inside it. Once you open the Chained Box, you’ll get a special button called the -1 Elevator Button. This button will let you use the hospital elevator and continue the story.

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