Smalland: Survive the Wilds is an engaging open-world adventure. There is plenty to do and places to explore while scavenging around for resources. But that’s not all you can do, as you can even find various critters who will be out to get you. You can defend yourself against their attacks and farm them for resources. There are some creatures that you can tame for your benefit, and even use as mounts. In this guide, we will see how to tame animals in Smalland.
Smalland Survive the Wilds – How to Tame Animals
You will come across various creatures that you can tame and use in the game. Here we will see how to tame animals in Smalland.
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Taming animals in the game is quite simple, as all you have to do is find and attack them. You need to reduce their health to below 50%, then bring them a treat to befriend them. Once you do that, they will follow your steps and do your bidding. If you interact with them, you will get three options, to either ride/use them, release them, or make them stay. The ride option is only available for mounts, otherwise, you can get the Use option to make them do your work. The Release option will set them free, and the Stay option will make them stay in one spot.
What can Tamed Animals Do in Smalland Survive the Wild

Tamed animals can be used for attack and defense, amongst other things. Critters like the Grasshopper can jump across vast distances after you mount them. Damselfly can help you fly across, while Wolf Spiders can attack and defend you when you have encountered enemies. Geckos can climb up high walls and trees, and Ladybugs can help carry items.
Of course, if your tamed animal gets damaged, it will lose its health. You can replenish health by feeding them treats, but they will die if they take too much damage. They will also lose stamina every time they use their abilities, so you have to keep an eye on that. Certain animals will retreat when faced with danger, so you cannot rely on all of them for attacking. Also, you can only claim one mount at a time.
That’s all there is to know about taming animals in Smalland. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.