Riemann (Unique Integral-A) Weapon Location – Stalker 2

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The Riemann is a Unique Integral-A submachine gun that is much sought after in the dangerous world of Stalker 2. This variant of the Integral-A has a silenced barrel, a longer handguard for better control, and higher rate of fire. Players must complete the side mission “Seek and You Shall Find” in the Zalissya region to get their hands on this powerful weapon.

Riemann (Unique Integral-A) Weapon – Stalker 2

DescriptionAn Integral-A after some serious tuning. The main difference from the basic version is a specialized barrel with an integrated sound moderator and a longer handguard.
ModeSingle, Triple, Full Auto
Weight5 Kg
Selling Price17640 Coupons
Base WeaponIntegral-A
Distance Damage Modifier1
Dispersion Radius161
Durability Per Shot2
Caliber 9 x 19
Inventory Size4 x 2
Rate of Fire0
Range 2500

Riemann uses the 9x19mm FMJ

DescriptionThis standard pistol cartridge has solid ballistic characteristics, but proves ineffective against armored targets.
Weight0.6 kg
Cost12 Coupons

Riemann (Unique Integral-A) Weapon Location

The Riemann is part of a side mission called “Seek and You Shall Find” and can be found in deluxe and ultimate edition. You can find it relatively early in your exploration of the Zalissya region. In the game STALKER 2, there’s a big settlement called Rostok, located north of the Lesser Zone. Just past Rostok, there’s a hidden place with buildings filled with weird gravity effects. To get inside, use the main entrance on the east side and turn left. 

Once inside the big room, you’ll face many dangerous gravity anomalies. Use your bolts to get rid of them and keep moving forward. Reach the end of the room and look for the Journalist’s Stash between the beds. Where you will find the Riemann. An improved Integral-A rifle, with a special barrel that reduces noise and a longer grip.

High-Capacity Integral-A Magazine

To enhance your Riemann you can use the high capacity magazine. To get the high capacity magazine, head to the Cement Factory area, near the water body shown on the map. Go under the building and look to your left there’s a door blocked by wooden crates. Shoot the crates to clear the path. Once you open the door, head to the right and move forward. You’ll encounter a Bloodsucker, so take it out. At the end of this section, look to the right for an elevated platform. In the corner, you’ll find a safe. Inside the safe, you’ll discover the Integral-A Magazine.

DescriptionA high-capacity magazine compatible with the “Integral-A” iconIntegral-A submachine gun. By minimizing reloading interruptions, it eliminates the main disadvantage of this futuristic weapon.
Weight0.15 kg
Max Ammo30
Twin MagazineNo
Cost7800 K
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