Pokémon Sleep – All Dessert and Drink Recipes

Kirthana K
3 Min Read

Pokémon Sleep is a relaxing game where you can feed your Snorlax to attract more Pokémon. There are several recipes you can unlock in the cooking pot to feed Snorlax. If you are wondering what desserts you can create for Snorlax, keep reading. In this guide we will see all dessert and drink recipes in Pokémon Sleep.

Pokémon Sleep – All Dessert and Drink Recipes

You can create various drinks and desserts that will improve Snorlax’s Drowsy Power. Here are all the dessert and drink recipes in Pokémon Sleep.

Read More: Pokémon Sleep Cooking Guide and How to Cook

By interacting with the cooking pot in the camp, you can unlock a large list of recipes that will increase your Drowsy Power. You will have to send your Helper Pokémon to gather the required ingredients to cook the dish. After you are done, you can feed it to Snorlax to increase power. Below are all the dessert and drink recipes you can create.

Mixed JuiceAny ingredients not like the following combinations
Warm Moomoo Milk7x Moomoo Milk
Sweet Scent Chocolate Cake9x Honey, 8x Soothing Cacao, 7x Moomoo Milk
Steadfast Ginger Cookies14x Honey, 12x Warming Ginger, 5x Soothing Cacao, 4x Fancy Egg
Stalwart Vegetable Juice9x Snoozy Tomato, 7x Fancy Apple
Neroli’s Restorative Tea11x Warming Ginger, 15x Fancy Apple, 9x Tasty Mushroom
Lucky Chant Apple Pie12x Fancy Apple, 4x Moomoo Milk
Lovely Kiss Smoothie11x Fancy Apple, 9x Moomoo Milk, 7x Honey, 8x Soothing Cacao
Jigglypuff’s Fruity Flan20x Honey, 15x Fancy, 10x Moomoo Milk, 10x Fancy Apple
Hustle Protein Smoothie5x Greengrass Soybeans, 8x Soothing Cacao
Huge Power Soy Donuts9x Pure Oil, 6x Greengrass Soybeans, 7x Soothing Cacao
Fluffy Sweet Potatoes9x Soft Potato, 5x Moomoo Milk
Fancy Apple Juice8x Fancy Apple
Ember Ginger Team9x Warming Ginger, 7x Fancy Apple
Craft Soda Pop9x Honey
Cloud Nine Soy Cake8x Fancy Egg, 7x Greengrass Soybeans
Big Malasada10x Pure Oil, 7x Moomoo Milk, 6x Honey

That’s all there is to know about all dessert and drinks recipe in Pokémon Sleep. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.

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She holds two degrees in media. She can draw, sketch, and is somewhat good at graphics and animation. She can also write, and, the best part, make instant noodles at 1 minute 59 seconds. Currently, she’s exploring the world of Teyvat. Other times she likes to read books, watch anime, and take long walks to the fridge and back.
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