Payday 3’s heists are a bit complicated to complete, and sometimes you might end up in trouble during your heist. While trying to steal artworks in Under the Surphaze, there are certain paintings that are a bit harder to steal than the others. To get your hands on the Vicario paintings, you need to first find out where they are located, then disable the security bars and steal the paintings. In this guide we will see how to steal the Vicario paintings in Payday 3 Under the Surphaze.
Payday 3 Under the Surphaze – Steal the Vicario Paintings
The Vicario paintings are one of the paintings that you have to smuggle while trying to get the artworks out of Surphaze Art Gallery. Here we will see how to steal the Vicario painting in Payday 3
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After gaining access to the top floor of the Surphaze art gallery, head straight into the manager’s office and lockpick the door. You need to hack the manager’s computer and check the emails to find which exhibition are all the paintings located. Browse through the emails once the hack is done and find the email addressing the Vicario paintings. Note down the exhibition hall numbers. You also need to scan the phone in the office to get the QR code. The phone can be found beside the computer on the desk or sometimes on the chairs inside the office. There is another phone in the Server Room you can scan and get the QR code from.

After that, you will get the objective to disable the top floor security bars in Payday 3. Activate the power box found on the wall of the top floor’s main area. You now have to find four hacking circles on the floor. If you are in a group, you can assign each of your friends to find and sit on each of the rings. If solo, then you have to find them yourself and sit on each one. Once the security bars are disabled, make your way to the exhibition halls mentioned in the emails.

Find the cases having the Vicario painting and shine your UV light on them. You need to collect the paintings having a UV splatter on them. Collect the first painting and place it inside the helicopter waiting on the roof. Repeat the process till you get the second painting as well.
That’s all there is to know about stealing the Vicario paintings in Payday 3. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.