Warzone and MW3 season 6 – 01 October patch notes are here, and they are massive. The patch brings a lot of new content and modifications to existing weapons in both MW3 and Warzone. The patch also describes new maps, events, and guns. Along with all the changes, several well-known bugs have also been patched. Read the full MW3 and Warzone season 6 patch notes on 01 October below.
Warzone 01 October Patch Notes
- Terriball Challenge
- Downing enemies now counts towards progression of this challenge.
Marksman Rifles
Crossbow (MWII)
- Increased bolt velocity to 200m/s, up from 110m/s.
- Decreased bolt gravity influence by 70%.
- Brightblaze 20” Bolts
- Removed aim down sight spread.
- Blastcap 20” Bolts
- Removed aim down sight spread.
- FTAC Caustic 20” Bolts
- Removed aim down sight spread.
- Fixed an issue preventing new contracts from appearing after the second circle.
- Fixed an issue allowing players to earn more than intended experience from decoy grenades in the Purgatory mode.
- Fixed an issue preventing the execution prompt from appearing when behind an enemy.
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) 01 October Patch Notes
- Shipment
- Fixed an issue causing inconsistent spawn availability between the map variants.
Based on player feedback supported by our analytics, spawn quality improved by approximately 10% on Shipmas compared to Celship and Ghost Ship. Today’s changes ensure that all variants of Shipment utilize the improved selection of available spawns.
- Sporeyard
- Fixed an exploit allowing players to reach unintended areas near the Red Warehouse.
Weapons & Attachments
Assault Rifles
- M13C (MWII)
- Increased maximum damage from 31 to 32 (+3%).
Within its maximum damage range, the M13C is now capable of a 4-shot kill if at least one bullet is a headshot.
Battle Rifles
- DTIR 30-06
- Decreased lower torso damage multiplier from 1.3x to 1x.
- KV Broadside (MWII)
- Increased maximum damage range from 2.9m to 3.6m (+22%).
- Increased near-medium damage range from 3.3m to 4.3m (+31%).
- Lockwood 300 (MWII)
- Increased maximum damage range from 1.8m to 3.3m (+86%).
- Expedite 12 (MWII)
- Increased maximum damage range from 2.5m to 3.6m (+40%).
- Increased near-medium damage range from 4.1m to 5.1m (+25%).
- Bryson 800 (MWII)
- Increased near-medium damage from 34 to 42 (+24%).
- Increased medium damage from 25 to 30 (+20%).
- Increased maximum damage range from 3.3m to 4.1m (+23%).
- Increased near-medium damage range from 5.8m to 7.1m (+22%).
- Bryson 890 (MWII)
- Increased near-medium damage from 34 to 42 (+24%).
- Increased maximum damage range from 3.1m to 3.8m (+25%).
Marksman Rifles
- Crossbow (MWII)
- Increased bolt velocity from 110m/s to 200m/s (+81%).
- Decreased bolt gravity influence by 70%.
- Increased neck damage multiplier from 1.2x to 3x.
- Brightblaze 20” Bolts
- Removed aim down sight spread.
- Blastcap 20” Bolts
- Removed aim down sight spread.
- FTAC Caustic 20” Bolts
- Removed aim down sight spread.
- SAB-B 50 (MWII)
- Increased maximum damage from 120 to 130 (+8%).
- Increased near-medium damage from 90 to 120 (+33%).
- Decreased maximum damage range from 17.8m to 7.6m (-57%).
- Decreased near-medium damage range from 44.2m to 17.8m (-60%).
- Added medium damage range, 90 damage up to 44.2m.
- Decreased lower torso and upper arm damage multipliers from 1.26x to 1.2x.
- P890 (MWII)
- Increased maximum damage from 52 to 59 (+13%).
- Increased minimum damage from 37 to 44 (+19%).
- Decreased maximum damage range from 9.1m to 4.6m (-50%).
- .50 GS (MWII)
- Increased maximum damage from 96 to 116 (+22%).
- Increased near-medium damage from 68 to 95 (+40%).
- Decreased maximum damage range from 17.3m to 8.6m (-50%).
- Decreased near-medium damage range from 35.1m to 17.3m (-51%).
- X12 (MWII)
- Increased maximum damage from 39 to 47 (+20%).
- Increased near-medium damage from 30 to 39 (+30%).
- Increased minimum damage from 28 to 30 (+7%).
- Akimbo X12 Rear Grip
- Increased damage penalty from -20% to -40%.
- Basilisk (MWII)
- Increased head damage multiplier from 2x to 2.5x.
- Decreased medium damage range from 35.1m to 33m (-6%).
- Removed far-medium damage range.
The Basilisk is now capable of a 1-shot kill to the head up to its medium damage range.
- FTAC Siege (MWII)
- Increased maximum damage from 24 to 26 (+8%).
- Increased near-medium damage from 20 to 24 (+20%).
- Increased medium damage from 18 to 20 (+11%).
- Increased minimum damage from 15 to 18 (+20%).
- GS Magna (MWII)
- Increased minimum damage from 36 to 40 (+11%).
- Increased lower torso damage multiplier from 1.05x to 1.15x.
- Increased upper leg, lower leg, and foot damage multipliers from 0.8x to 1x.
- X13 Auto (MWII)
- Decreased horizontal recoil from 7.2deg/s to 6.5deg/s (-9%).
- Decreased vertical recoil from 31.7deg/s to 28.4deg/s (-10%).
- Increased maximum damage from 25 to 29 (+16%).
- Increased near-medium damage from 22 to 25 (+14%).
- Increased medium damage from 18 to 22 (+22%).
- Increased minimum damage from 15 to 20 (+33%).
- Guardian-SC
- Turret can now be deployed while the player is standing in water.