There are several hidden objects that are easy to miss while exploring the world of Axiom and Umbral. There are a handful of keys you can try and get that will help you unlock certain new areas. One of the keys you need to find is the Sunless Skein key, which is very easy to miss if you are unsure of where you need to look for. In this guide we will see how to get and use the Sunless Skein Key in Lords of the Fallen.
Lords of the Fallen – How to Get and Use Sunless Skein Key
The Sunless Skein key will help you unlock a hidden area in Lower Calrath. Here we will see how to get and use the Sunless Skein key in Lords of the Fallen
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- Lords of the Fallen Ring of Nourishment Location
- Lords of the Fallen – How to Get and Use Severed Hands
How to Get Sunless Skein Key
You need to make your way to Sunless Skein mines to find the key. It can be found past the Vestige of Catrin inside the mines. If you haven’t unlocked this point yet, when you reach a pool of water within the mines, you need to solve a quick puzzle. For that, shift into Umbral and find a lever to pull within the area. You have now unlocked the Vestige of Catrin.

From there, cross the new bridge on the right side and keep going through the tunnel. There are several enemies you need to tackle or avoid by running away. Keep to your right till you find a short flight of stairs that leads up. Use Umbral on the grilled gate to pass through it. Keep going up the stairs till you reach a platform with several barrels. Break the barrels and drop down to the platform below. Pass through the entrance ahead and you will find a ladder you can climb

Keep going through the tunnel and jump down at the end of it. Stick to your right side and keep going till you reach the ledge. At the tip of the ledge is the Sunless Skein key.

How to Use Sunless Skein Key
To use the Sunless Skein key, make your way back to the Vestige of Hooded Antuli and go left to find a door leading to a narrow hallway. You are now in Lower Calrath. Keep to your left after passing through here to find a door where you can use the Sunless Skein key. You can also get here quicker if you have unlocked the Vestige of Lydia the Numb Witch in Lower Calrath Alehouse.

From the vestige, jump down and exit the dining hall and go to your left. Go down the narrow bridge and down the stairs, then go right. Shift to Umbral to cross the gap, jump down then climb up the roof ahead. Go straight and head slightly right, you will a door that requires the Sunless Skein Key.
That’s all there is to know about the Sunless Skein key in Lords of the Fallen. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.