Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga has unique missions and side quests to complete. In this guide, we will see how to complete the quest called Dodginess Manifest in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Quest Guide – Dodginess Manifest
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga has new features and maps to explore, and along the way, you will meet people who need your help. Here we will see how to go about the Dodginess Manifest quest in the Skywalker Saga.
The Dodginess Manifest quest starts right after completing Dodgy Dwellings. You can initiate the quest in Tuanul Village of Jakku. The quest givers are two First Order Troopers, and upon letting them enter their home and ending the quest puzzle for Dodgy Dwellings, they will give you Dodginess Manifest.
Your objective would be to find the planets the Droid salesman talks about to the two First Order Troopers. The clue is hidden in the Manifest. Take a look at the Manifest before you leave the house, then once outside check your Datalog. There is a new entry that spells out certain locations and the order to visit them. You will have to visit all the locations listed from last to first. You can also talk to the Astromech with the help of a Protocol Droid to cross-check the locations.
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Your first visit would be to the Niima Outpost in Jakku. Upon reaching, head to the junkyard to talk to the person there. You will get your next location, which is Canto Bight. On Canto Bight, head north of the map to the Casino there and get inside. You will be able to spot the First Order Troopers here. Speak to them then head over to the cantina to talk to the other NPCs. The ones who will lead you to the salesman have green speech bubbles overhead. After talking to the NPCs, you will be led to a card table and the Droid salesman sitting there.
Upon speaking to you, the salesman will try to make a run for it. While chasing after him, you will meet Sidon Ithano, who you have to defeat for the Droid Salesman to surrender. Once this is done, your quest will be completed.
That’s all there is to know about Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga’s Dodginess Manifest. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.