Arranging and setting up your supermarket is one of the main features you should look into. The more you start expanding your store, the more items you get to place around it. As you unlock more shelves, freezers, and other equipment, you have to strategically place them so your customers can reach them. Sometimes you might want to rotate a shelf or equipment, and if you don’t know how to do that, we will show you how. In this guide we will see how to rotate items in Supermarket Simulator
How to Rotate Items in Supermarket Simulator
You can try and rotate the items within your store so you can place them anywhere you want. Here we will see how to rotate items in Supermarket Simulator
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Once you have purchased items to be placed in your store, you can arrange them to help your customers out. To rotate your equipment, you have to hold the item first using the left mouse button. Then, use the mouse wheel to rotate the item around. Once you are satisfied with the placement, you can set it back down. In case you don’t have a mouse wheel, the only other option is to pick up the box containing the equipment or pack up the equipment into a box first. Then, facing the direction where you would like to place the item, start unpacking it. This is another way to change the direction of your items if you don’t have a mouse wheel
Supermarket Simulator offers a fun simulation of running a store. You can find out what your customers want and work towards getting a profit. The more you expand your store, the more you can see the growth of your supermarket.
That’s all there is to know about rotating items in Supermarket Simulator. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well