Earning credits is a necessity while trying to navigate around the various settlements in Star Wars Outlaws. There are several ways the game supplies you with credits, but you might find them time consuming and pain staking. The issue with earning credits in Star Wars Outlaws is there is no fixed method to farm a fixed amount of income.
You may or may not get lucky in earning credits, hence why it gets difficult as you keep progressing through the game. But there is a method of farming credits by following a certain chain of events in the game. In this guide we will see how to own a Moisture Farm and earn passive credits in Star Wars Outlaws
How to Get the Moisture Farm Back in Star Wars Outlaws
You can get yourself a Moisture Farm by following a certain questline, and in turn get credits at your disposal. Here we will see how to own a moisture farm in Star Wars Outlaws
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How to Start Passive Income Quest in Star Wars Outlaws

There is a moisture farm you can own partially if you can help the owner of the farm. Make your way to the west of Wayfar in Tatooine’s Great Chott Salt Flat. You can’t miss this location and will show up on your map once you come across it. Explore the area to find a Farmer NPC sitting outside the moisture farm dome.
Talk to him and he will tell you his plight, which will give you the Winning the Deed intel and the start the quest called Passive Income. Now, to get the Moisture Farm back, you need to deal with one of the Hutt NPCs in a game of Sabacc
Find the Thug and Win a Game of Sabacc in Star Wars Outlaws

Make your way to Bestine in Tatooine and explore the area to find the Sabacc table. Near the table is a Hutt Thug, and he will agree to return the Moisture Farm deed if you beat his people in a game of Sabacc. The game can be tricky for the initiated, but the best part is that you can keep trying as many times as you wish till you win a round. Head over to the Sabacc table to start playing the game and try to get the lowest hand amongst the players.
Some tips that can help you win is to use Nix to cheat and also use the Shift Tokens to get your coins back or eliminate other players. Once you win a round of Sabacc, you can talk to the Thug and he will agree to return the farm to the rightful owner. Make your way back to the Moisture Farm and talk to the Farmer to complete the quest
How to Farm Credits via Moisture Farm in Star Wars Outlaws
The Farmer will tell you to come back after a few days to get your reward, which is 500 credits. You can fast travel to a nearby location and return, then find and talk to the Farmer to receive your payment. The farmer might be inside the dome like structure or standing around outside, so anytime you find him just talk to him. You can always fast travel away and return, then talk to him to farm credits. You can easily get 500 credits each time you talk to him, making it a great way to farm passive income
That’s all there is to know about the moisture farm and the Passive Income quest in Star Wars Outlaws. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well