After setting up your first supermarket, you will be the only employee of the store. Before you can afford to hire more help, you will be in charge of being the cashier, restocking or purchasing products to fill the shelves, and also set up your store with the required equipment. Since you have to handle all these tasks single handedly, it can be tough during the early stages of the game. In this guide we will see how to operate and manage your supermarket efficiently in Supermarket Simulator.
How to Operate and Manage Supermarket in Supermarket Simulator
You have to handle all the daily tasks of running your supermarket so that you can turn in a profit. Here we will see how to operate and manage the supermarket in Supermarket Simulator
Read More:
- How to Price Products in Supermarket Simulator
- Best Items to Buy First in Supermarket Simulator
- How to Empty Shelves and Store Items in Supermarket Simulator
After learning how to purchase products and set the price, it is now time to open your store to potential customers. For now, stay at the cashier’s desk till the time the shelves need a restock. Customers will come in and purchase items, and they don’t like to wait for a long time. So keep manning the cashier and send them off quickly. Customers use two types of payment method, one is by cash and the other is by card. Input the correct amount and hand over the right change when needed. You will also get feedback from them from time to time, such as an out of stock / unavailable product or about the product’s price. At the end of the day, try to meet your customer’s needs to draw in more people to your store.
The longer you keep your store running, the more customers will be drawn to your store. You can keep it open till your stocks run out, after which you can close for restocking. When you sit at your computer, you can check out the Management menu to see what your store needs. Below are all the options available for you to check out.
- Licenses – Unlocks license to purchase new products and expand inventory
- Bills – Keep track of bills and any pending payments and dues
- Growth – Expand your store and also place certain areas for specific products like Frozen Goods
- Hiring – Hire employees to work at your store
- Storage – Adds a storage space, and can also unlock additional storage for a price
That’s all there is to know about operating and managing your store in Supermarket Simulator. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well