How to Get More Goods in Frostpunk 2

7 Min Read

In Frostpunk 2, keeping enough goods on hand prevents crime, and gathering the most heat stamps is fundamental. It’s simple when your city is small, but harder as your population grows. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to produce more goods. This guide will show you how.

How To Get More Goods

To make goods, you need materials. So, make sure you’re producing enough materials before you try to make goods. Once you have enough materials, you can choose how to make goods.

Change Industrial District To Goods Production

When you build an Industrial District, it manufactures Prefabs by default. If you want it to produce Goods, you need to change the parameters of this district. To do this, you click on the district and the icon of the pot located on the left of the information panel. Don’t change all your districts right away, especially if you need Prefabs. However, you must have a couple of districts producing Goods.

Construct More Industrial Districts

One of the best ways to produce more goods is to build more Industrial Districts. Every time you build a new district, you will automatically increase your production of goods by 25. However, remember to change the setting of these new districts to “Goods” production if that’s what you want them to do.

Expand The Industrial Districts

When you build an Industrial District to make Goods, it will yield 25 Goods. You can increase this to 30 Goods by clicking on the district, then clicking the arrows icon at the bottom of the information panel. That way you can expand the district, so that it uses up three squares rather than one..

Building More Factories 

You can build Factories to make more goods. To build them, you need to research certain things in the “Resources” section of the Idea Tree. You can build certain buildings in the Industrial Districts. These buildings can only be placed if you’ve expanded the district first.

Mechanical Factory

You can find the Mechanical factory in the “Factories” section of the “Resources” part of the Idea Tree. Once you’ve researched and built it, it will produce 40 Goods or 10 Prefabs at the cost of 60 Materials.

You should build this building as soon as possible in Frostpunk 2. This will help you produce more goods quickly, which is important because your citizens will need a lot of them.

To build a mechanical factory, you’ll need:

  • 300 workers
  • 180 Heatstamps
  • 90 Prefabs
  • An expanded Industrial District

Refurbishing Goods Factory

When your city is small, a Mechanical Factory is a good way to produce goods. But as your city grows, you’ll need better and faster ways to make goods.

The Refurbishing Goods Factory is the second best way to increase your goods production quickly in Frostpunk 2. You can find it in the “Goods Factories” section of the “Resources” part of the Idea Tree.

The best thing about the Refurbishing Goods Factory is that it only needs 10 Heat and 30 Materials to work. This is much better than other options, and it can produce 60 Goods.

To build a Refurbishing Goods Factory, you’ll need:

  • 400 workers
  • 350 Headstamps
  • 180 Prefabs
  • 1 Core
  • An empty spot in an Industrial District

Building Factories can help you produce more goods, but it also has some downsides. Factories use more heat and can increase disease or squalor in your city. Luckily, there are ways to deal with these problems.

Discover The Frostland

While it’s not very common, you can sometimes find goods while exploring the Frostland. Send your Frostland Teams on expeditions to areas where goods might be found, and you might discover a hidden landmark with a stash. However, you can’t build a colony that produces goods or find a never-ending supply of them. So, Industrial Districts are still your main source of goods.There is a storehouse near the Old Dreadnaught that provides 50 goods per day. You can distribute those goods to either the Dreadnaught or New London. If you have used up all the goods at the storehouse, you will not get those from there anymore. You need to find somewhere else for your goods.

Most of the stockpiles can only be reached by buying Logistics bases and research upgrades. Many of these stockpiles also happen to be in dangerous areas. Therefore, you will need more powerful expedition teams to reach them safely.

Increasing The Production Efficiency

You can make your Industrial Districts produce more of everything, including Goods, by making them more efficient. There are several ways to do this. To see how efficient a district is, click on it, hover over the pot icon under “Total Output,” and look at the “Base Modifiers.”

There are several ways to increase goods production or reduce the need for goods:

Pass laws: “Mass-Produced Goods” (Resources, Survival) increases production, while “Durable Goods” (Welfare, City) reduces demand.

Research: “Heat Overclocking” (Resources, Waste Heat Conversion) increases production efficiency.

Build: A Rail Hub (Hubs, Rail Hub) next to a goods-producing district improves transportation.

Activate: The “Emergency Shifts” ability on a goods-producing district increases temporary production.

How To Store Excess Goods

When you get goods on a big scale, you will need to store them. Build Goods Stockpiling Hubs to expand your capacity. This is done with the circular icon on the bottom right portion of the screen. The higher the stockpiling hubs you create, the more goods you can stockpile. That’s how you make products fast in Frostpunk 2. When you get enough goods, you’ll be ready to go through your playthrough.

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Decided that degrees were as useful as extra lives in a Mario game-totally unnecessary! I’m diving into the extravagant universe of my favourite game, Assassin’s Creed, which lets me roam the world without actually paying for plane tickets. Hodophile by nature and aspiring to get lost in Hang Sơn Đoòng cave in Vietnam someday!
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