Final Fantasy 16 was released a few days back, on 22nd June 2023. Being one of the most anticipated games of this year, this game has received massive popularity among players, who have jumped into it to explore all the features. Mounts are standard features in action-adventure games, especially where the in-game world is enormous. So, getting Chocobo Mounts in Final Fantasy 16 is not surprising. If you are confused about acquiring them, this guide will help you.
Chocobo Acquiring Process in Final Fantasy 16- How to Find?
If you have been playing action-adventure games for a long time, you are aware of the mounts and how they work. They help players travel distances faster to explore the world and complete missions. More importantly, Final Fantasy Series features mount for a long time, and without them, Final Fantasy 16 can’t be exciting.
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In Final Fantasy 16, the mount you get is named Chocobo. Players will see Chocobos from the beginning of the game but can’t get one until they progress through the game a little and complete the side quest called “The White Winged Wonder.” This mission is acquired after players reach Martha’s Rest. However, there’s a trick. Martha’s Rest is available early in the game, but the side quest is unavailable until you spend at least 15 hours in the game, specifically progressing through the main story.

There’s nothing to do if you can’t get The White Winged Wonder side quest upon your initial visit to Martha’s Rest. Fortunately, it is a recurring area, and players can be notified of the side quest being available. Once the side quest is available, return to Martha’s Rest, and you will find Roman at the entrance. Speak to the NPC, and he will offer you The White Winged Wonder side quest. Completing this side quest will unlock the ability to call Chocobo.
Once you have the ability to call a Chocobo, you can simply hold the R3 button, and a Chocobo icon will appear on the screen. Sometimes, if the path is too narrow for a Chocobo, it won’t appear. Otherwise, you will always summon a Chocobo whenever you want.
That’s all you need to know about how to get Chocobo in Final Fantasy 16.