The Monster Hunter series is one of the most popular action-adventure gaming series and consists of multiple successful installments. Since its first release, the developers have presented players with excellent installments where players must travel to some isolated landmarks and fight monsters. The story of MHW is the same. But what makes these games different is the monsters and the weapons and armor. When every step has a new enemy to fight, players must be aware of their defense and what can be better defense items than armor plates. If you are unaware of the Astral Cloth Alpha + and its use in the Monster Hunter World, this guide will help you with it.
Astral Cloth Alpha + Location and Use in Monster Hunter World
Astral Cloth Alpha + is a master-rank chest armor in the game and is a part of the Astral Alpha + Armor Set. The best part of the MHW armor pieces is that they come in male and female appearances, but that doesn’t change their stats or effects. So, regardless of your in-game avatar, you can choose any of these armor pieces.
If you are trying to find the Astral Cloth Alpha + gear in the game, let me tell you, you can’t purchase it or get it. Instead, you have to craft it using the required materials. To craft this chest plate, we recommend you have the following ingredients:
- 1x Monster Toughbone
- 1x Gratitude Ticket
- 1x Purecrystal
To get Monster Toughbone, players must participate in Master Rank quests and defeat Kulu-Ya-Ku and Great Jagras. Though the drop is not a guaranteed one; there’s no alternative. For Gratitude Tickets, keep an eye on the Limited Bounties. These regularly change, so keep completing them to have a Gratitude Ticket. Finally, the Purecrystal can also be found by completing the Master Rank quests and defeating Kirin. The drop rate is low, but that’s the only to have it.
Once you have all these items, you can craft Astral Cloth Alpha +. Now, that you have crafted the item, you must be willing to know the stats of the armor plate. It will give you a 2x Critical Boost, 2x Elemental Boosts and increase your minimum defense to 140 and maximum defense to 198.
Read More: Monster Hunter World: How to Get Elderseal
That’s all you need to know about how to craft and use the Monster Hunter World Astral Cloth Alpha + armor.