How to Gain Weapon Mastery in Throne and Liberty

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In Throne and Liberty, you can enhance your character, armor, and weapons in various ways, such as leveling up your gear and investing in skills. You might notice a section in your skills menu for Weapon Mastery, but it doesn’t show how to level it up. The good news is that you’ll unlock this feature sooner than you think.

Weapon Mastery in Throne and Liberty

Weapon Masteries add you even more passive effects upon your weapons, mainly regarding buffs on higher damage and accuracy. They also improve the stats of some of the characters: health, defence, and resistance. For example, to give you a clearer picture, perks of master dagger weapons are about increased chances to weaken and silence enemies, even faster skill cooldowns, and activation rates off-hand weapons. Sword perks, meanwhile, tend to focus more on buffs like shield blocking, collision resistance, and resistance against getting stunned, among others. Not that the overlap is barely minimal, though, overall weaknesses and strengths tend to add up to balance each other between the two types of weapons.

SwordsSwords offer a balanced mix of speed and power. They are versatile and suitable for various combat scenarios. Swords: balanced with speed, damage – they are versatile.Skills have synergy: Most of the sword skills also complement and combine well with other abilities to raise your combat power.Popular Builds Combination of swords with defensive skills can produce an extremely hard-hitting and deadly fighter.
BowsBows excel in long-range combat, allowing you to deal damage from a distance. Mastering bows requires precision and timing.High Damage Output: Bows are known to do very high damages, especially if one manages to get a head shot.Kiting Potential: Bows lets you keep the enemies way back while constantly hitting them.Recommend Building: Bow Synergize with mobility skills to improve kite and survivability.
StavesStaves are the go-to weapon for magic users. They offer powerful spells and abilities that can turn the tide of battle.High Burst Damage: This means staves may cast quite power spells dealing tremendous damage.Crowd Control: As staff possesses many crowd control effects, the abilities prove to be very useful during group fights.Best Bursts: Focus on expanding your mana pool and spell power for maximum damage output.
AxesThey are perfect for players who enjoy close combat.Extremely High Damage: Each hit from an axe causes massive damage, which makes it lethal in close combat.Area of Effect: Many axe skills have an area-of-effect damage, making you hit lots of enemies at one go.Build Ideas: Axes should be paired with health regeneration abilities to survive longer in longer battles.
SpearsSpears offer a unique combination of range and melee combat. They are ideal for players who like to keep their enemies at a distance.Long Reach: Spears have a much longer reach than most melee weapons, so you can hit the enemy from a safer distance.Control and Precision: Spears are only best utilized with much control and precision.Recommended Builds Pair spears with crowd control skills to keep enemies at bay while you deal damage.
DaggersDaggers are the fastest weapons in the game, allowing for rapid attacks and quick movements. They are perfect for agile players.High Attack Speed: The big advantage here is the option for fast successive attacks against your opponents.Stealth and Mobility: There are many skills for the dagger that enhance stealth and mobility, making you a harder target.Best Builds: Daggers DPS is agility and critical chance.

How to get Weapon Mastery

The easiest way to gain Weapon Mastery in Throne and Liberty is by using Training Dews, which you can earn through contracts, quests, and dungeon rewards. You can also receive them as rewards from an active Battle Pass. Training Dews look like teardrop-shaped items in your quest, contract, and dungeon rewards. Once you get one, you have 24 hours to redeem it, or it will disappear. While this won’t prevent you from earning Weapon Mastery, it can make it tougher to gain experience, especially in later levels where every bit of EXP matters.

Keep in mind that Weapon Mastery isn’t a universal stat for all weapon types. The experience from Training Dews only applies to the two weapons you have equipped at the moment. For instance, if you’re using a sword and a greatsword, any Training Dew experience you earn will only boost those two, leaving your other weapons at level zero. If you then switch to a wand and staff, they’ll remain at level zero until you invest more Training Dews into them. You might find that even after reaching higher levels and defeating hundreds of enemies, your Weapon Mastery isn’t progressing beyond using Training Dews. This is because Weapon Mastery doesn’t increase through regular combat, which makes completing contracts and dungeons even more crucial.

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Damsel in her own distress, abodes in her imaginary world, and enchanted by the magical realms of Elden Ring. A professional overthinker who loves to weave captivating stories, and is fascinated by the art of doing nothing. When not lost in thought, paints canvases that echo her wildest daydreams!
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