Gameplay-wise, God of War Ragnarok has a lot of similarities with the 2018 title. It’s essentially a more glamorous version of the previous games, but in a good way. The game looks fantastic and retains all of the old weapons you may have experienced in the game. The Leviathan Axe is back with some skill upgrades. If you are wondering how to frost the Leviathan Axe in God of War Ragnarok, we have you covered.
How Frost Awaken Works in God of War Ragnarok
The game tells you how to use the Frost skill, which freezes enemies as you play it, but if you have missed it. To use the Frost skill with Leviathan Axe in GOW Ragnarok, you need to press and hold the Triangle button for a while when you do that, the axe will be powered up with frost ability for the melee and ranged attack you want to attempt.
There is a brief cutscene when you press the button, and the axe gets coated in frost. This is a one-time effect, and the axe will require recharging with the frost effect to be used again for the same purpose. Under the Frost status effect, the axe deals varied amounts of damage to enemies. You can freeze the regular troops and reuse the axe to shatter enemies.

The frost effect does not work on enemies with frosted health, for you require the other weapon in Kratos arsenal. You can read the linked guide for that. Using the Frost Leviathan Axe on a larger enemy or boss does not have the same effect as your normal enemy, but it deals a good amount of damage nonetheless.
But, before you do all that with your axe, you need to unlock the Frost Awaken ability for your Leviathan Axe. Unlocking the Frost Awaken I allows you all the above abilities, but things get really interesting as you keep upgrading it. At level 2, you can enable the ability while sprinting. At level 3, you can frost the axe as it’s coming back to you, the same triangle button needs to be pressed. At level 4, the duration it takes to charge up the axe is reduced and you can do it instantly as you are fighting.
Frost Awaken is one of the new abilities of the Leviathan Axe, but it’s not the only one, so check out the game category for more guides and tips to play the GOW Ragnarok.