Manor Lords is more than just establishing a town and ruling over it. You can also learn how to build structures, start trading, and build diplomatic relations with your neighbors. You also have an option to craft various items, and one of the items you can craft are tools. In this guide we will see how to craft tools in Manor Lords
How to Craft Tools in Manor Lords
If you are strapped for cash, you can craft various tools and export them for some money. Here we will see how to craft tools in Manor Lords
Read More: How to Trade in Manor Lords
Tools can sell for a lot of money and will help recover some of the lost wealth. But before you can start crafting tools, there are a few things you must do. First, you have to build a Smithy or a Blacksmith from the Industry tab, as they will help you forge tools. Smithy can be unlocked early in the game, and you would need 2x Timber to craft the building. You can set 2 families to work there, so you can craft tools at a faster rate. Next, you require Iron Slabs to make tools. Each tool requires one Iron Slab, so to get them you need to place a Mining Pit over Iron Deposits. You would also require a Bloomery, again found under the Industry tab, to convert Iron Ore into Iron Slabs. Transport the Iron Slabs to the Smithy to convert it into Tools. Since Iron is a finite source, you need to unlock the deep mining development point to farm iron indefinitely.
The only purpose for Tools right now is to sell them. Exporting tools can give you 6 Regional Wealth, and while it may not be a lot, it does well for early gameplay. You can also sell Iron Slabs for 4 Regional Wealth, so if you have excess this is a great way to get rid of them
That’s all there is to know about crafting tools in Manor Lords. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well