Genshin Impact Version 3.2 Redemption Codes are Out!

QM Staff
2 Min Read

Genshin Impact Version 3.2 Special Program is finally out on official channels and before everything, we have the ritualistic redemption codes for our dear readers. These redemption codes are given away in random pauses of the Special Program Livestreams as a means of getting more viewers and rewarding the player fanbase with free Primogems. So what are you waiting for? Read on and claim them below as soon as possible as they are only active for 12 hours after the Livestream.

Version 3.2 Special Program Redemption Codes

The 3 Redemption Codes are as follows:

  • First Code: 6SP942Z3XVWH
  • Second Code: KS6QL3YJFCWM
  • Third Code: GS6RLKGKWUER

You can claim these above codes by logging into Genshin Impact and following these steps:

  1. Go to the Settings section.
  2. Click on the Account tab.
  3. There you will find the Redeem Code section. Click on Redeem Now to begin entering your redemption codes.
  4. Enter the Redemption Codes one by one and click on Exchange each time.
  5. You will receive a Redemption Complete banner indicating your rewards have been claimed.

Your reward of 100 Primogems per claim will be sent to you via your in-game mail. You can get a total of 300 free primogems this way.

If you’re not able to open the game at this moment then you can also claim the redeem codes online directly through the following links.

You’ll need to log into your Hoyoverse account and enter your server and username to directly claim these codes online without opening your game. These codes will only be active for 12 hours after the livestream so make sure to hurry. Your rewards will be waiting for you in your in-game mail.

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