Dragon’s Dogma 2 has a host of NPCs who will help guide you around the various regions. Most NPCs will require assistance and offer quests in exchange for rewards. One of the quest givers you will encounter on your journey is Beren, a Beastren captain of the Borderwatch Outpost, as well as the Warrior Vocation Maister. There are two quests that are related to him, so you might encounter him in different locations to accept the quests. In this guide we will see where to locate Beren in Dragon’s Dogma 2
Dragon’s Dogma 2 All Beren Locations
You need to find Beren several times throughout your journey to complete the quests. Here we will see where to locate Beren in Dragon’s Dogma 2
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The first time you will encounter Beren is in a tent south of Moonglow Forest. You can reach Moonglow Forest if you travel north of Melve or west of Borderwatch Outpost. He will only appear at night, and once you talk to him you can start the Claw Them Into Shape quest. For the quest you need to help recruit a soldier as well as procure weapons. Once that is done, you can find Beren a second time at the training grounds in Borderwatch Outpost. Talk to him to start a sparring match, after which he will run to assist a wounded soldier. The third location you need to follow to find Beren is just west of Borderwatch Outpost. He will head into the campsite there to assist the injured soldier and complete the first quest of his.

The final location of Beren can be located after you complete the In Dragon’s Wake quest. Head back to Moonglow Forest to talk to a dismissed Beren. This will start the Beren’s Final Lesson quest, where you need to defeat an incoming cyclops. After defeating it, talk to Beren and he will tell you that he is leaving for his childhood home south of Checkpoint Rest Town. For this, you need to gain entry into Battahl first, which can be achieved by following the main quests. Once you reach Checkpoint Rest Town, just head south down the dirt path. You will find Beren walking the path, and talking to him will end the final quest.
That’s all there is to know about all Beren locations in Dragon’s Dogma 2. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well