Minecraft Legends is set in the Minecraft Universe but doesn’t have the same gameplay. Unlike Minecraft, this game will make Zombies, Creepers, and Skeletons your allies to protect the helpless villagers from the Piglins. The game has several features you must understand to progress through the game, and the Flame of Creation is one of them. If you are unaware of the feature, this guide will help you know how to get Flame of Creation in Minecraft Legends.
Flame of Creation Making Process in Minecraft Legends- How to Craft?
In Minecraft Legends, your main enemies are the Piglins, who have invaded and corrupted the world. When there are numerous Piglins in the world, you can’t fight them alone. You must need allies who will fight with you and protect you. The more you go through the game, the more you will understand that you need a massive army to battle the Piglins, and this is where Flame of Creation comes in.
Flame of Creation is one of the essential features of the game, as it will help players get more mobs to fight against the Piglins. Each Flame of Creation helps you summon 4 more mobs to help you fight against Piglins. So, naturally, you will want to get Flame of Creation in Minecraft Legends, and below we have discussed the steps-

- Collect 200 Stones, 200 Prismarine, and 25 Gold. Stones are found plenty in the Overworld. Find a Stone deposit and place a Crate to gather stones. Prismarine and Gold can be found by destroying enemy bases.
- Once the required items are collected, go to the Songbook. Press R to open the Songbook.
- Open the Improvement Menu
- Select Improvement: Flames of Creation.
- Take it to the Hotbar
- Close the Songbook. Next, the Hotbar, equip the structure and place it near the Improvement Hubs.
That’s all you need to know about how to create Flame of Creation in Minecraft Legends. If you have been looking for some help to bring more units to the battlefield, creating Flame of Creation has no alternative.
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