The story of Throne and Liberty unfolds in a vibrant region known as Solisium. With so much to explore in the game, it is easy to get lost. Navigating Throne and Liberty can be really challenging so if you’re looking for help finding a Soul Arbiter location for The Abyssal Contract, you’ve come to the right place. This guide will provide you with detailed information on where to find the Soul Arbiter location and finish the quest.
How to find Soul Arbiter for The Abyssal Contract
In Throne and Liberty, the Soul Arbiter is a level 18 enemy that can be found sparsely hidden throughout in the Carmine Forest. They have a distinctive bright blue, humanoid appearance and won’t attack unless provoked. For The Abyssal Contract quest, you only need to locate one. Though Soul Arbiters don’t move around much, you can consistently find at least two near the Carmine Forest Waypoint.
How to Defeat Soul Arbiter
Attack and defeat the Soul Arbiter to transform it into a Soldier’s Soul, changing from its humanoid form into a floating blue sphere. The Soldier’s Soul will begin to float along a designated path. Follow it until you reach your destination. The Soldier’s Soul will guide you along a route filled with enemies. Most of them won’t attack unless you strike first, but the Blood Spider will come after you immediately. If you find yourself being chased, just run while keeping an eye on the Soldier’s Soul.
No matter which Soul Arbiter you defeat in Carmine Forest, they will all guide you to Syleus’s Abyss. The Soldier’s Soul will guide you to Circe, who is positioned at the top of the staircase leading down into Syleus’s Abyss. Defeat her to complete the objective. Sometimes, Circe may not show up immediately when you arrive. Activating the waypoint might trigger her appearance if you haven’t done so already. If that doesn’t work, try stepping away from the staircase area for a moment and then returning.
After you complete the Abyssal Contract you will receive the following rewards:
EXP | 798 |
Sollant | 384 |
Rare Active Skill Growth Book | x25 |
Rare Passive Skill Growth Book | x20 |
To complete The Abyssal Contract, start by speaking with Rutaine in Carmine Forest. Once you’ve gathered the necessary information, your next step is to defeat a Soul Arbiter located within the same forest. After taking down the Soul Arbiter, a Soldier’s Soul will appear, follow it closely as it guides you to your next objective. This will lead you to Circe, whom you’ll need to defeat. Once you’ve accomplished that, return to Rutaine in Carmine Forest to finish the quest.