Notorious Marks are a newly added feature in Final Fantasy 16, and players love this new feature of hunting bosses and getting valuable rewards. Bosses are integral parts of the action-adventure games, and Final Fantasy Series is no exception. Without powerful enemies, these games can’t be thrilling. The more you go through the Final Fantasy series, the more you will find challenging bosses to fight with, and Flan Prince is one of them. So, this guide will help players know how to locate Flan Prince in Final Fantasy 16.
Final Fantasy 16 Flan Prince Location- How to Find?
If you have been playing Final Fantasy 16, you have noticed the new features in the game and, most importantly, the Notorious Marks. These Notorious Marks are found on the Hunt Boards, and players need to locate the enemies by the given clues and beat them to get valuable rewards. The Flan Prince is one of the enemies that can be found as part of a Notorious Mark.
Initially, Notorious Marks are locked, and players need to progress through the game to unlock them. Completing The Gathering Storm main mission will unlock the first Notorious Mark, and players can hunt down the enemy. Later as they progress, more Notorious Marks will be unlocked. Players must complete the “Bolts from the Blue” main quest if they are looking for Flan Prince. This enemy will be found as part of this mission. This is the seventh main mission in the game.
Generally, the Notorious Marks are located at the corners of the maps, and Flan Prince is no exception. It is annoying and challenging to locate these enemies. However, Flan Prince can be found close to Hawk’s Cry Cliff Obelisk in The Imperial Province of Rosaria. For more detailed information, we have marked Flan Prince’s locations on the map-

Once you encounter the boss, there’s no way out besides fighting and defeating him. This is a Rank A boss with a few deadly Heavy Attacks. Sometimes it will try to smash you; otherwise, it will try to crush you. This metallic boss is like a plant that moves slowly. It only spreads its hands to attack you. Players must avoid taking damage and not get too close to the enemy. Better maintain your distance and keep attacking the boss while dodging his attacks. Once it is dead, players will get Gelatinous Mass, 5,200 Experience, 95 Ability Points, 12,000 Gold, 30 Renown as rewards.
That’s all you need to know about how to find Flan Prince in Final Fantasy 16.
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