Top 3 Best Grenades in Space Marine 2

Tim Blisz
4 Min Read

Most of the enemies will come at you in groups, so you will need these grenades to take them down. You will not get that many, so you should use them judiciously. You will have different types of grenades, each of those will have its advantages. Therefore, pick up the right grenade for specific situations if you want to get the most out of them. Don’t hoard your grenades. You’ll find plenty scattered around the battlefield during missions. Use them whenever you can. It’s rarely a waste to throw a grenade.

Either in Eternal War or defeating the bosses, you’ll need to pick up the right grenade for your class. Following is the list of 3 types to help you make the best choice.

3. Krak Grenade


This grenade deals a lot of damage, second only to the Melta Bomb. It sticks to enemies, which is great for PvP or trapping enemies in a bad situation. It’s a good choice against tough enemies in Operations, but it might not be as effective against large groups of enemies.

The only real danger is sticking a smart enemy who might charge at you when they know they’re doomed. While it’s the most powerful grenade, it has a short range. It’s best for targeting single enemies rather than large groups.

2. Melta Bomb


This is the big and powerful grenade, in fact, it’s the biggest and most powerful in this game. Unlike other grenades, it does not explode automatically after you’ve thrown it. You will be the one to choose whether you detonate it or not, making this a mine of some sort. This is great for setting up traps and just waiting for enemies to step on them.

That can be risky if you get caught fighting enemies right after setting the bomb, or if a ravener decides to grab you, you’re probably in trouble. Another one of its downsides is in PvP, where other players can literally see the bomb coming from miles away and easily skirt around it due to its widely visible appearance. However, if one times it just right, the explosion is ridiculously strong and can destroy anything in a near vicinity.

1. Frag Grenade


This is the basic grenade each and every one of the Space Marines can use. It’s not the strongest, nor is it very effective, but this is quite a good, all-round choice. Particularly against large masses of weak enemies, like gaunts and cultists, it can kill some of them and further weaken others so they would be easily defeated.

Against tougher enemies, such as Chaos Space Marines and Tyranid Warriors, against which you won’t be able to kill but will knock back so that you can then attack them safely. An excellent weapon to throw at clusters of enemies, particularly when trying to climb up a wall or are led by some Tyranid Warrior. This will clear out the weaklings, leaving you to take on tougher enemies.

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I am an avid gamer who loves to write about games. I started gaming with a copy of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Since then, I have fallen in love with games with a particular inclination towards Call of Duty titles.
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