AMD is back at Intel with their latest processor launches. The Ryzen 5 5600 was seen to beat the Core i5-12400 in terms of value proposition last week. AMD is prepping their Ryzen 7 5800X3D later this month. This processor is still based on AMD’s Zen 3 architecture, but it comes with features like 3D V-Cache, hence the extra “3D” moniker at the end of its name. This technology is supposed to be more optimized in the upcoming Ryzen 7000 series. But, the results in AMD’s first iteration of this tech seem very impressive.
Several Ryzen 7 5800X3D benchmarks are out on the internet already. And lots of them show AMD’s latest contender beat the 16-core 24-threaded monster from the Intel, their 12900K. Intel’s 12900KS might give some hope to the company, but at the end of the day, that chip is just a binned 12900K.
Ryzen 7 5800X3D Benchmarks
Several Ryzen 7 5800X3D benchmarks have leaked on the internet. Here are some extensive results we got from Xanxo Gaming.
The Ryzen 7 5800X3D is significantly behind Intel’s best chips
Assassin’s Creed Originis at 1080p Ultra sees the 12900KF and the 5800X3D be within the margin of error
Metro Exodus at 1080p paint a similar idea with the 5800X3D almost catching up with the Core i9-12900KF
Shadow of the Tomb Raider shows the 5800X3D beat the 12900KF by a significant margin (Source)
All of these results suggest one thing. The Ryzen 7 5800X3D does not come with any significant changes to its core layout. This is supported by the fact the Ryzen 7 5800X and the 5800X3D score are almost the same in Cinebench R23. But, the performance of this chip in games has improved by a huge margin. A part of this improvement can be accredited to the significantly short distances at which the cache is now located thanks to the 3D stacking technology, which boosts the single-core performance.
This suggests the Ryzen 7 5800X3D has been built with gamers in mind. Productivity users and creators will still be better of with an Intel Core i9-12900K instead of Ryzen’s latest offering.
Also, the Ryzen 7 5800X3D is a locked processor. The official reason stated by AMD says that the 3D V-cache is very sensitive to changes in applied voltages and frequencies. The chipmaker thus locked the processor to improve stability.
Ryzen 7 5800X3D Price
The Ryzen 7 5800X3D will launch at a price tag of $449. Compared to the $599 Intel asks for one of their Intel Core i9-12900K processors, this processor is a very lucrative choice for gamers. Productivity users will see almost no difference as compared to a regular Ryzen 7 5800X, so it is recommended to look at Intel’s Core i7-12700K or even AMD’s Ryzen 9 5900X. The 5900X’s price has dipped to an all-time low, thereby making it a very lucrative choice. Performance-wise, it is almost equivalent to Apple’s M1 Ultra, and it even beats Apple’s chips in some benchmarks.
Overall, the Ryzen 7 5800X3D seems like a great choice. It comes with a solid price-to-performance ratio, but all the performance gain is just for gamers.